Hello all.
Well, This seems to be getting a bit boring now! So I thought, let's actually write something.
Well this morning I went to the farm, It was OK, but It got a bit boring. Then I came home, had a shower, and am now writing to you!
Mum's just asked me if I want pizza from lunch, so I now have my pizza waiting for me, so at that note, I think I'll go!
Sorry It's been such a short post, maybe I'll post longer some other time :o)
God bless!
March 27, 2007
March 19, 2007
This post is all for photos! Here are the one's from York that I promised you:
This Menekse on the bus back to York at the end of the day:
This is Hannah on the bus back to York at the end of the day as well:
This is us on the bus going to the cinema (by the way, the pictures are all in the wrong order, so if you want to go from the start of the day to the end, do it from the bottom of the page to the top!) :

This is a funny story! We went into the girls bathrooms, and when we got in there, there was a lady sitting UNDER the HAND dryer, drying her hair!! HAHA. So we just HAD to get a pose! :
This is us on the bus going to the cinema (by the way, the pictures are all in the wrong order, so if you want to go from the start of the day to the end, do it from the bottom of the page to the top!) :
This is a funny story! We went into the girls bathrooms, and when we got in there, there was a lady sitting UNDER the HAND dryer, drying her hair!! HAHA. So we just HAD to get a pose! :
March 17, 2007
Right, well let us start with York!!! I had SUCH a fun day on Friday! :o) I went to sleep on the Thursday night at 2 o'clock in the morning because my best friend (Hannah) was round and we stayed up till then playing The Game Of Life (Don't ask! We have this mad obsession about it where we can play like 5 games in a row!) The on the Friday morning, Hannah and I had to get up at 6 o'clock to be ready by 7 o'clock to be in town and at the train station by 7:45AM! At first I thought the bus might get us into town at around about 7:55AM which then we would've had to leg it to the train station and onto the train for 08:03AM when the train left! But we got there in time, and on the train safely to York. Then we got in at York for about 10:30AM and met up with Menekse and had a great day!
We were going to wear a red nose all day, being red nose day yesterday! But they didn't smell very nice!! So we brought fluffy bunny ears instead! We had some interesting looks and comments! Amongst them would have to be the funniest one which was said about three times 'Are you on a hen party'?! I mean, we may look older, but not that old!! We have some good pictures to put up, which I will when I get the camera (My sisters!) back.
Which then brings me on to my next thing!
Today I had to spend from 01:00PM-04:00PM in a wedding, it was very nice an all, but the two hours (OK, maybe not THAT long, because we did sit down for the wedding service!) standing up in stiletto shoes about two inches high was NOT nice!!! I'm not really used to been lady like! And CERTAINLY NOT used to even WEARING stiletto shoe's. Just for the record! ha ha.
But the wedding was very nice! :o) And I might have some pictures of that as well. Because my oldest sister (Beth) took my youngest sisters (Nicole) camera to the reception. Because we weren't invited! But It was at the Botanical gardens (Very expensive place even to get into!)! So I think that would explain that! :oP
Anyway, I think I have posted enough! :o) Love and God bless to you all!
We were going to wear a red nose all day, being red nose day yesterday! But they didn't smell very nice!! So we brought fluffy bunny ears instead! We had some interesting looks and comments! Amongst them would have to be the funniest one which was said about three times 'Are you on a hen party'?! I mean, we may look older, but not that old!! We have some good pictures to put up, which I will when I get the camera (My sisters!) back.
Which then brings me on to my next thing!
Today I had to spend from 01:00PM-04:00PM in a wedding, it was very nice an all, but the two hours (OK, maybe not THAT long, because we did sit down for the wedding service!) standing up in stiletto shoes about two inches high was NOT nice!!! I'm not really used to been lady like! And CERTAINLY NOT used to even WEARING stiletto shoe's. Just for the record! ha ha.
But the wedding was very nice! :o) And I might have some pictures of that as well. Because my oldest sister (Beth) took my youngest sisters (Nicole) camera to the reception. Because we weren't invited! But It was at the Botanical gardens (Very expensive place even to get into!)! So I think that would explain that! :oP
Anyway, I think I have posted enough! :o) Love and God bless to you all!
March 14, 2007

Hello ALL!!! :o)
This is finally my blog! YES!
The picture I have up is just to show everyone how much fun Menekse and I got up to last year when I went to see her in York! :o)
Well this is going to be a quick post because my sister's going on in a bit!
Post soon,
Jo xoxox
p.s my web address has changed aswell :-) it's now: www.jojoturner.blogspot.com God bless!
March 12, 2007
I know this is like the second post within one day, but I just had to say how much I love MY God :-D He's So amazing! I'm listening to a song on YouTube, 'I could sing of your love forever.' And I really could! Sometimes I just think I could spend my whole life thanking God and praising Him, and serving Him, but its still wouldn't be enough for what His OWN Son did for us :-D
I'm just SO glad that HE found ME! And decided to save me :-) He didn't have to do anything for us. He could have stayed up in Heaven and just let us all go into eternal Hell, which we deserve! But no, HE came to OUR horrible world, and died for US. He didn't send anyone else, not a normal man, His own Son to come and live on the awful world, to be tempted, mocked and killed by us.
Jesus was so faithful to His Holy Father and went through with it! He didn't back out like any other man would've! This Holy, perfect, sinless, Innocent Man died for the sins WE'VE committed. Isn't that just so amazing! You can't even begin to comprehend it can you?!
If you today, reading this, know Jesus came to die for your sins, then I praise the Lord for it :-) He has done a wonderful work, a miracle in just saving us!
And I pray for anyone who is reading this who isn't a Christian, and doesn't have Jesus Christ as their savour. I know many people who would rather be in the world, than have God as a Heavenly Father, and I just pray they will realise what a big mistake they're making!
This was only supposed to be a small post to say what I think about having such a good God, but I just can't help praising His name, an I can't stop talking about MY wonderful God who sent His Son to die for ME! :-)
I hope God blesses each and everyone of you, even though you don't deserve any of it!!!
Praising Him name ALWAYS!
Jo xoxox
I'm just SO glad that HE found ME! And decided to save me :-) He didn't have to do anything for us. He could have stayed up in Heaven and just let us all go into eternal Hell, which we deserve! But no, HE came to OUR horrible world, and died for US. He didn't send anyone else, not a normal man, His own Son to come and live on the awful world, to be tempted, mocked and killed by us.
Jesus was so faithful to His Holy Father and went through with it! He didn't back out like any other man would've! This Holy, perfect, sinless, Innocent Man died for the sins WE'VE committed. Isn't that just so amazing! You can't even begin to comprehend it can you?!
If you today, reading this, know Jesus came to die for your sins, then I praise the Lord for it :-) He has done a wonderful work, a miracle in just saving us!
And I pray for anyone who is reading this who isn't a Christian, and doesn't have Jesus Christ as their savour. I know many people who would rather be in the world, than have God as a Heavenly Father, and I just pray they will realise what a big mistake they're making!
This was only supposed to be a small post to say what I think about having such a good God, but I just can't help praising His name, an I can't stop talking about MY wonderful God who sent His Son to die for ME! :-)
I hope God blesses each and everyone of you, even though you don't deserve any of it!!!
Praising Him name ALWAYS!
Jo xoxox
WOOHOOO Yes it's me again! I'm really hyper and happy and strange (well i think you knew that already!) and HAPPY! :o) It's only 5 days till Hannah and I are going to see Menekse! YAY :o)
And I'm just really happy in general! haha :o) even though I've got Biology! I don't think I've got any work I need to do! hehe, nah! I haven't :o)
YAY sorry, I'm just so happy I thought I'd blog about it! :-)
Blog soon hopefully!
And I'm really sorry if I've scared anyone off, but this is me when I'm hyper and I'm not hiding it! This is me! Like it or lump it as my sister would say! haha :-)
God bless you all :-) :o)
Jo xoxoxoxox
And I'm just really happy in general! haha :o) even though I've got Biology! I don't think I've got any work I need to do! hehe, nah! I haven't :o)
YAY sorry, I'm just so happy I thought I'd blog about it! :-)
Blog soon hopefully!
And I'm really sorry if I've scared anyone off, but this is me when I'm hyper and I'm not hiding it! This is me! Like it or lump it as my sister would say! haha :-)
God bless you all :-) :o)
Jo xoxoxoxox
March 10, 2007

Good evening everybody! Here's a random picture of my gorgeous baby! haha :o) Hes name is Bonny, and I've had him for about 3 years. He's REALLY cute and I love him loads! :-)
OK...I've just been to my youth group (2hrs journey on the bus! VERY committed! haha) And some young people are there from OM (Operation mobilization) and we had a game. This is gonna be kinda hard to explain over here, but I'll try my best :o)!
OK, well you have three plastic balls (like the small balls in a ball pool) there were about 16 of us. All THREE balls have to touch BOTH of our hands. At first we did it in a line and passed them one by one, it took us about 16 seconds. But then Cameron (From OM) said it's possible to do it in less than 10 seconds, so then we zig-zagged, and it took about 9 seconds. Then Cameron said it was possible to do it in less then 5 seconds! So we all stood in a circle with our hands facing inwards, while someone IN the circle span round with the three balls in their hand and touched all of ours (If you get me!) and that took 1.25 seconds! We were VERY pleased, but then Cameron said 'Would you believe me if I told you, it was possible to do it in less than ONE second.' And it was! He gave us one minute to discuss it between ourselves, but we came to no conclusion! They said we should try and figure it out, but I have NO idea how.
So If you would know how 16 people can touch 3 SMALL balls with BOTH hands at the SAME time within ONE second (well he actually said it took them like 0.000 seconds!!), I would be VERY happy :o) But if not, I'll report back to you next week and reveal it all!
Well hope everyone is well :o)
God bless to you all :-)
Jo xoxox
March 8, 2007
Hello all again. I would really like to know how you get a title for your posts, so if you know I would be very pleases if you could tell me how! :o)
Well today is Thursday. I have just been to Biology (It was quite good this time, we got to use the computers). Last night I was at Hannah's for the JAFFA meeting. All the leaders were getting together to discuss about an Easter activity day we're going to have in a April. Well... we're going to be there (the leaders, of which I'm one!) from 09:00AM till about 05:00PM, It will start at 10:00AM and finish at 04:00PM for the children, but not for us! So that's going to be 6 hours with about 30 children all under the age of 11! Very exciting, and exhausting!
Then the day after (God willing if I'm still alive!!!) I'll be going to see JoR ( Jo Risbridger) for the weekend with my older sister, Georgie. So I won't be getting any sleep that weekend! But it will be very...interesting! :o)
OHH!!!!!! I can't believe I've forgot this!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO SEE MENEKSE IN YORK IN ONLY 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)!!!!!! YAAAY
haha, sorry! as you can see, I'm a bit excited about it! Hannah and I are going to get up really early on Red Nose day, and travel to York to be really silly and random! it's going to be SO much fun :o) I'm really excited, and so is Hannah. And now we're just trying to find out way to make some spending money!!! We have enough for the train fair, but not that much for spending, and if we're going to be going to the dungeons! Then we'll need some money :o) So I think we're going to be a big help around the house this week! Not that we aren't anyway!!! :o)
Well I think that's all I have to say :o)
Love to you all, and God bless ya!
Jo xoxoxox
Well today is Thursday. I have just been to Biology (It was quite good this time, we got to use the computers). Last night I was at Hannah's for the JAFFA meeting. All the leaders were getting together to discuss about an Easter activity day we're going to have in a April. Well... we're going to be there (the leaders, of which I'm one!) from 09:00AM till about 05:00PM, It will start at 10:00AM and finish at 04:00PM for the children, but not for us! So that's going to be 6 hours with about 30 children all under the age of 11! Very exciting, and exhausting!
Then the day after (God willing if I'm still alive!!!) I'll be going to see JoR ( Jo Risbridger) for the weekend with my older sister, Georgie. So I won't be getting any sleep that weekend! But it will be very...interesting! :o)
OHH!!!!!! I can't believe I've forgot this!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO SEE MENEKSE IN YORK IN ONLY 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)!!!!!! YAAAY
haha, sorry! as you can see, I'm a bit excited about it! Hannah and I are going to get up really early on Red Nose day, and travel to York to be really silly and random! it's going to be SO much fun :o) I'm really excited, and so is Hannah. And now we're just trying to find out way to make some spending money!!! We have enough for the train fair, but not that much for spending, and if we're going to be going to the dungeons! Then we'll need some money :o) So I think we're going to be a big help around the house this week! Not that we aren't anyway!!! :o)
Well I think that's all I have to say :o)
Love to you all, and God bless ya!
Jo xoxoxox
March 5, 2007
Hello all again! Just to say, I think the exams went well! they weren't too hard! But thanks for everyone who was praying for me :o)
I don't know how many readers I actually have, only one that I know of! But oh well :o) it keeps me occupied!
I think I'll talk a bit about what 'm doing now, not what I'm feeling and stuff, but it may be a bit boring! So you can stop reading whenever you feel like it! :o)
OK, I'll go through my week. Today I had exams (over with now! Phew!) tomorrow, I go to the farm and have a Maths class! On Wed I'll go to my friends, Hannah's so we can go to a meeting for leaders. Because I help out at JAFFA (Jesus A Friend For All) and they're having a meeting on Wed night to talk about Easter, and what we're going to do. Then on Thur i have Biology, and been bored for the rest of the day! Then on Friday I have the farm again, then over to Hannah's again for JAFFA and YP :) Then I'll come back on the Sat and be bored again, then on the Sun, go to church! All very exciting don't you agree?! (YEAH RIGHT! you're thinking!)
OK, now I've bored you to death, I'm going you'll be glad to know! :o)
Hope you all have a blessed week, and God bless you all,
Jo xoxox
I don't know how many readers I actually have, only one that I know of! But oh well :o) it keeps me occupied!
I think I'll talk a bit about what 'm doing now, not what I'm feeling and stuff, but it may be a bit boring! So you can stop reading whenever you feel like it! :o)
OK, I'll go through my week. Today I had exams (over with now! Phew!) tomorrow, I go to the farm and have a Maths class! On Wed I'll go to my friends, Hannah's so we can go to a meeting for leaders. Because I help out at JAFFA (Jesus A Friend For All) and they're having a meeting on Wed night to talk about Easter, and what we're going to do. Then on Thur i have Biology, and been bored for the rest of the day! Then on Friday I have the farm again, then over to Hannah's again for JAFFA and YP :) Then I'll come back on the Sat and be bored again, then on the Sun, go to church! All very exciting don't you agree?! (YEAH RIGHT! you're thinking!)
OK, now I've bored you to death, I'm going you'll be glad to know! :o)
Hope you all have a blessed week, and God bless you all,
Jo xoxox
Hello all! just a quick post to say, I'VE GOT EXAMS TODAY! ARRGGHHH!! lol :o)
They're Maths exams, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please pray for me, because I'm dead nervous! :S oh well, I know anything that I do, is all in God's holy plan. I was reading the Pursuit of Holiness the other day, and it said in there, don't doubt anything that's gone wrong in your life, because it's all in the holy plan of God, and if you do, then you are doubting the holiness of God. And he is the most holy 'thing' you'll ever get!
So, I'm just praying and hoping :)
God bless you all.
Jo xoxoxo
They're Maths exams, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please pray for me, because I'm dead nervous! :S oh well, I know anything that I do, is all in God's holy plan. I was reading the Pursuit of Holiness the other day, and it said in there, don't doubt anything that's gone wrong in your life, because it's all in the holy plan of God, and if you do, then you are doubting the holiness of God. And he is the most holy 'thing' you'll ever get!
So, I'm just praying and hoping :)
God bless you all.
Jo xoxoxo
March 1, 2007
Hello all, it is Jo once again! Surprise surprise ey?! I might go to Wales myself just to get David to actually WRITE something in this blog! lol.
Well as you can all see, I've updated the blog, so it's nice and new, and MUCH easier to put links in! :o)
For the past weekend (Feb 23rd-25Th) I've been away at a house-party for home-educated christian teens. It has been a GREAT blessing to me. And made me realise that I, as a young teenage christian, can grow and be Godly. (Luke 2v40,52)
Just because I'm young and don't have some of the privileges that older people have, and just because I'm young and can't do some of the things that older people can do, it doesn't mean I have to stay away in a corner praising God quietly. I can go out into the world as a young person, and witness in places that older people maybe can't. Like youth groups, at school, or any kinds of classes, and I can praise God out in the open and not be afraid of how much I love my God and how much He's done for me :D If anything, it will be more of a witness to the older unsaved generation to see a young person in this day in age to have a religion and be so happy in it! (James 4v7)
It's very hard to be a witness all the time, and try to talk to unsaved people all the time. But you don't have to do that all the time to be a witness! As long as you live the christian life, and follow the rules God has set down for you, then you should be a witness to people anyway.
God will always reward you for trying, and even though people may mock and laugh at you, God will be smiling at you, because He's so proud of you standing up for Him.
It doesn't matter what other people think!
Would you rather be called a fool by man, or a fool by God? Those people aren't going to be with you for the rest of eternity, but God will!
I hope everyone will be blessed by God and will grow close to Him as the years go by.
That's all I really wanted to say, how much that weekend has been a blessing to me, how much I've enjoyed the teaching (Thank you again Mr.David Donegani) and the fellowship with all the lovely christian people who are my age :o) I pray God will bless you all and work in your lives.
Hope every one's enjoyed the read :o)
Living for Him always,
Jo (Turner)
Well as you can all see, I've updated the blog, so it's nice and new, and MUCH easier to put links in! :o)
For the past weekend (Feb 23rd-25Th) I've been away at a house-party for home-educated christian teens. It has been a GREAT blessing to me. And made me realise that I, as a young teenage christian, can grow and be Godly. (Luke 2v40,52)
Just because I'm young and don't have some of the privileges that older people have, and just because I'm young and can't do some of the things that older people can do, it doesn't mean I have to stay away in a corner praising God quietly. I can go out into the world as a young person, and witness in places that older people maybe can't. Like youth groups, at school, or any kinds of classes, and I can praise God out in the open and not be afraid of how much I love my God and how much He's done for me :D If anything, it will be more of a witness to the older unsaved generation to see a young person in this day in age to have a religion and be so happy in it! (James 4v7)
It's very hard to be a witness all the time, and try to talk to unsaved people all the time. But you don't have to do that all the time to be a witness! As long as you live the christian life, and follow the rules God has set down for you, then you should be a witness to people anyway.
God will always reward you for trying, and even though people may mock and laugh at you, God will be smiling at you, because He's so proud of you standing up for Him.
It doesn't matter what other people think!
Would you rather be called a fool by man, or a fool by God? Those people aren't going to be with you for the rest of eternity, but God will!
I hope everyone will be blessed by God and will grow close to Him as the years go by.
That's all I really wanted to say, how much that weekend has been a blessing to me, how much I've enjoyed the teaching (Thank you again Mr.David Donegani) and the fellowship with all the lovely christian people who are my age :o) I pray God will bless you all and work in your lives.
Hope every one's enjoyed the read :o)
Living for Him always,
Jo (Turner)
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