Hello dear readers!
I've had a great weekend, you've probably all heard about it because I know all my readers from some place or another were I've been ranting and raving about the weekend. But just in case you haven't...I'll tell you again!
(If you've already heard it, then keep scrolling down till you get to something interesting XD)
On Friday I got up early...ish. Went shopping with Mum, cleaned the bathroom and cleaned my bedroom. All in time for when the Retallicks were coming to stay =D
You see, I've been talking to David for about three years, we met up two years ago, but it didn't go down too well as I was too shy and just wasn't my usual self (mad). So I was a bit apprehensive about this weekend coming up where Rachel (their mum), David, Hannah and Johnny were staying at ours.
So when they finally arrived at 03:30PM I had a few butterflies going round my tummy...But after a walk to the back to see the aeroplanes it was ok :D
We then went to our Church's bowls evening, David and I as a team came no were near first of course...But we're planning to do better next year ;)
Then on the Saturday (after getting to bed late the night before because we came home and had a few games of Dutch Blitz...Vhat Fun Ve all had!!! =P) We all got up blurry eyed, ate loads of toast (Mum told me we got through three loads of bread and two packets of butter for those two breakfasts that weekend!) we drove to Kenilworth Castle. Good fun :D All got very wet..but hey...we're home educators...it's learning and nothings going to stop us! =D
Then we came home, had tea and David, Georgie, Nicole, Hannah and I went off to Dudley for the youth rally. Was a very good talk on Proverbs 23v23 and buying the truth but not selling it.
Then we had a 50 minute car drive back home from Dudley. We came home, and sat down, except Me and David who were up in the bedroom having a good, well deserved talk and catch up =D
Then on the Sunday we all walked to church in the gusts, meeting dogs on the way, nice people on the way and Johnny being a bush and scaring two girls....=D hehe.
But then they had to go home on the Sunday afternoon :( Was very sad to see them all go...But it had to be done!
There is a chance of seeing them next week while on Holiday in Wales which I'm looking forward to as well =)
Well...That ends my eventful weekend of fun. As for today and yesterday. Well...Nothing worth telling the whole world yesterday happened...and today..I went to home ed meeting :D Was good fun...=D
So yes...Hope to hear from you and I'll be blogging soon ;)
Tata! xx