Wow! That sounds really cool!
I'm not doing much here, so I really don't know why I've decided to write to you, Mr Bloggie, hey that sound like Mr Blobby! Do any of you remember him? Do you David? I used to love him! Sorry! Really random! hehe.
Well, one thing I could tell you I guess, I started night school (Well, actually, the first course I do is 11:30AM! hehe) on Mon the 16th Oct (just last week) And 'cus I hadn't en-rolled in Sep 'cus I was in Spain, there were a load of complications 'cus they thought I wasn't old enough to take the course! But we got it sorted. And I'm not doing a GCSE in Biology in the mornings on a Mon, 11:30am-1:00pm, and Maths GCSE at 6:30pm-9:00pm on the evening! And of course! I've got five weeks of work to catch up on!!! But thankfully, I en-rolled on the Monday, and the next week (this week) is half term, so I can work through it all! And this morning I just finished all my biology work! wooohoooo!!!
Did you know what the digestion system contains, and what part of the digestion system digests certain things? Well....Neither do I! hehe. I'm supposed to! Nah, I know a few things! For the job I want to do, I'm going to have to do a degree in it! And I'm like 'I don't think so!'.
Sorry, I've just been rambling on about work!
Let's see...Have I done anything else....?
Ah! Yeah, I went to do archery on Mon :o) It was really good!
I think I'm going to go now. I might feed my rabbit, but it's raining, so I might not do it just yet!
So, bye bye all you people who are readin this. But I don't think many of you are! Oh well!
Love an God bless,
Jo XxX
October 25, 2006
October 22, 2006
I went to a MASSIVE christian concert on friday!!
IT ROCKED SOOOO MUCH. There was 800 (!!!!) people there and we was all singin' and standin up and dere was really cool lights and a mist thingy and it was really cool. Loved it and went mad and got very sweaty and tired but dead happy. It was brillient to see so many Christians in one hall, all singing and jumpin an stuff :D.
Sorry I got no photos but hey ho!
Cya Mr bloggie.
IT ROCKED SOOOO MUCH. There was 800 (!!!!) people there and we was all singin' and standin up and dere was really cool lights and a mist thingy and it was really cool. Loved it and went mad and got very sweaty and tired but dead happy. It was brillient to see so many Christians in one hall, all singing and jumpin an stuff :D.
Sorry I got no photos but hey ho!
Cya Mr bloggie.
October 5, 2006

Hello to everyone who is reading this. :)
Sorry I haven't writen in a while, but i'm going to try my hardest to keep it up! lol.
'Cus I can't give out the link to some people and then not write in the blog, that just be rude! :o)
Well I'm still in Spain, it's still very hot and i still can't wait to get home!!! Only 6 more days to go! WOOOHOOOOO! Sorry, getting too excited!
I've just come back from spending the night with the pastors daughter, who we've made very good frineds with. Which i'm glad, 'cus then it means Nicole (my little sister) and I have someone to talk to on a Sunday (church), Wednesday (ladies meeting) and Thursday (prayer meeting).
Oh, and In answer to your question Daivd, i'm am brown yes! lol.
The picture, if it's come out, is of my mum and I in about the third week. I don't look my best there! But I never do for me :) lol.
I'm sure most of you who read this blog already know, but i'm going to say any way. This has been the best holiday ever! Because really late on Saturday night, my oldest sister called my mum and told her that my Granddad, who we've been praying for, for about 30 years. After been in hospital for about 9 weeks, has come to the Lord :oD :oD :oD It's been really good, so I really can't wait to go home and see him and talk to him, and all sorts!
Well I think i've rambled on for a good amount of space! Should have taken up some of your time :o)
I hope everyone is well, and hope your ok too Daivd. Couldn't forget you! ;o)
Love and God bless to all,
Jo XxX
P.S, I like the pic Daivd, and the wrist band, and the ring, not too sure about the BB gun though :oP Please don't go round shooting animals! lol.
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