Hello to everyone who is reading this. :)
Sorry I haven't writen in a while, but i'm going to try my hardest to keep it up! lol.
'Cus I can't give out the link to some people and then not write in the blog, that just be rude! :o)
Well I'm still in Spain, it's still very hot and i still can't wait to get home!!! Only 6 more days to go! WOOOHOOOOO! Sorry, getting too excited!
I've just come back from spending the night with the pastors daughter, who we've made very good frineds with. Which i'm glad, 'cus then it means Nicole (my little sister) and I have someone to talk to on a Sunday (church), Wednesday (ladies meeting) and Thursday (prayer meeting).
Oh, and In answer to your question Daivd, i'm am brown yes! lol.
The picture, if it's come out, is of my mum and I in about the third week. I don't look my best there! But I never do for me :) lol.
I'm sure most of you who read this blog already know, but i'm going to say any way. This has been the best holiday ever! Because really late on Saturday night, my oldest sister called my mum and told her that my Granddad, who we've been praying for, for about 30 years. After been in hospital for about 9 weeks, has come to the Lord :oD :oD :oD It's been really good, so I really can't wait to go home and see him and talk to him, and all sorts!
Well I think i've rambled on for a good amount of space! Should have taken up some of your time :o)
I hope everyone is well, and hope your ok too Daivd. Couldn't forget you! ;o)
Love and God bless to all,
Jo XxX
P.S, I like the pic Daivd, and the wrist band, and the ring, not too sure about the BB gun though :oP Please don't go round shooting animals! lol.
1 comment:
Hey. i'm sorry, but. WHo is this?
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