June 16, 2008

Today has been a milestone in the educational part of my life. Today I have, God willing, done my last GCSE. It was my last History exam on the changing roles of women and the Vietnam war. that isn't the only exciting thing that has happened this past few weeks.
Last week, on the Monday. There was a knock at the door, I thought to myself 'It couldn't be...not yet!' So I eagerly walked to the door and opened it...Yes..it was. My laptop had been delivered! (Ok, so maybe not as exciting as you hoped...but it was for me!) From all the money I had earned whilst working at Birmingham Law Society I had sat down and thought hard about what to buy with it, and I came up with the idea of buying a laptop which would be very helpful in September when doing all my work for college or the zoo.
Talking about the zoo, I still haven't heard any news from there...So please keep praying!

To carry on from my last blog, I has a good time at YP, and stayed over at Hannah Harding's house because Hannah B was not there. Then on the Saturday, we went shopping to Merry Hill...Now THAT was fun! We brought bunny ears. Then later on met up with Jonathan (Hannah's older brother) and his best mate, Adam. They all go to YP. We had SUCH a good time, there are pictures in various places for those of you who want to see them just say and I will show them to you! :D

Then all my exams went well, I'm just so glad to have them all over and done with. This week I've got something planned for almost every day. Tomorrow I'm going to help mum out with her new business that she's starting up. Sweet and Precious gifts. Then on Wednesday, Nicole and I are getting up early and going into town for when Primark opens as not to catch all the queues and busyness of Primark during the day. Then on the Wednesday night, I'm going out to the theater to see 'Our House' with Beth (my sister) and two other girls from work. Which will be really nice. Then on the Friday I have a friend and his family coming down to stay with us for the weekend. Rachel, David, Hannah and Johnny are all coming down on Friday. Just in time for the bowls event at our church on the Friday night. On the Saturday night there's a Dudley Youth Rally which we will all go to, I'm looking forward to that.
Then, the week after that its back to thinking 'what can I do with my time!?'

So, watch this space, as I might be blogging within those weeks of boredom just for something to do.


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

hey Jo, how are you?

I remember the amazing feeling when exams were over, I bet you felt the same!!

Suzanne x